The Power of Gratitude
It has been scientifically proven that thought has a frequency. A positive thought has a higher vibrational rate than a negative thought. You can try this, think a negative thought and notice how your body feels. You may notice that it feels heavier. That is because negative thoughts have a lower and slower vibrational rate.
Now, think a positive, happy thought. You may notice that your body feels lighter. Again, that is because those types of thoughts have a higher vibrational rate.
Right now, mankind is being challenged in many different and varied ways. Each one of us addresses those challenges in our own way. We may feel, think, and react in a variety of different and unique ways.
It is important to remember that our body has a response system to stress. Those responses are fight, flight or freeze. Short term responses to stress are normal and when the stress passes, our body returns to a state of homeostasis. If our stress response is not reduced our body's immune system becomes compromised and suppressed.
One, very powerful, way to reverse the effects of elevated stress levels is to focus our thoughts on gratitude. Gratitude is actually a frequency that is harmonious with abundance. We have the ability to turn up the volume of our own gratitude and turn down the volume of our own fear and worry.
It is necessary to cultivate the habit of being grateful. This is necessary, so that we can grow in our full potential of a happy and healthy human being.