All You Need is Love

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In my opinion, every baby born on this planet is perfect, whole, and complete. The events that happen to, and around, us help to form our personalities, traits, hobbies, and habits. We truly are a product of our environment.

The influences can be either positive reinforcement or negative. Of course, we all know that positive reinforcement is the best way to help a soul grow and prosper. However, if some people have had negative reinforcement in their lives, it can cause serious and, sometimes, debilitating self esteem issues and maladaptive behaviors such as eating too much, shopping too much, smoking too much or drinking too much, just to mention a few.

The maladaptive behaviors are an attempt to bring the person to a place of Homeostasis. In other words, they just want to feel calm and at peace. I have found that some people have suppressed or repressed the negative influences in their lives and they live in a constant state of inner turmoil.

Hypnotherapy is an excellent and very effective way to identify, heal and release the negative influences a person may have experienced. And, thereby, bring about forgiveness, understanding, compassion, peace and, most importantly, love. Love for self and, perhaps, love for the person or persons that inflicted the negativity upon the individual.

I have witnessed that once love is achieved and accepted, positive self esteem is restored and maladaptive behaviors diminish and sometimes disappear entirely.

John Lennon was correct, "All you need is love."

Cheryll Robertson Clinical Hypnotherapist

Cheryll Robertson is CHt(Certified Hypnotherapist), a CCHt (Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist) and a CTHt (Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist) with over 500 hours of training . A member of the IAIH (International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapists)


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