Fear and Self Sabotage

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Fear is one of the major contributors to self-sabotage. Fear can come in many forms and is usually from early childhood programming.

Several of the ways to deal with that fear is to do some or all of the following:

1. Set realistic goals

2. Make sure your goals are believable

3. Make sure they are realistic

4. Give them an appropriate time frame for completion

5. Make sure they are measurable

Many of us are still dealing with our inner parents. Meaning, we still hear their voices in our subconscious mind. Our parents sometimes used fear to protect us, for example, don't touch the stove, it is hot!!!

Or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, you can't possibly do that because you are not smart enough.

Fear can protect us or it can control us. However, as we all know, growth can, at times, be uncomfortable. If you follow the above suggestions, it will help to guide your future decisions and may help to lessen your fears concerning change in your life.

Cheryll Robertson Clinical Hypnotherapist

Cheryll Robertson is CHt(Certified Hypnotherapist), a CCHt (Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist) and a CTHt (Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist) with over 500 hours of training . A member of the IAIH (International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapists)


It’s all in your mind.


All You Need is Love