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 Listed below are a few of the reasons that the Past Life Regression Protocol may be used:

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1. Curiosity

2. Discover the cause of any problem

3. Understanding present day relationships

4. Finding the origin of present day relationships

5. Exploring physical health issues

6. Find the past life most affecting you today

7. Discover the cause of special talents and abilities

8. Resolve Karmic patterns

9. Discover your Life's purpose

Each client needs to be aware that for a successful Past Life Regression, the client must be willing to accept responsibility for the information that is uncovered. My wish for every client, is peace, wisdom and joy in their life.

Powerful Experience Shared!

 “I enjoyed the pleasure of a past life / life -between-lives hypnotherapy session with Cheryll recently. I began with a firm belief in the afterlife and the power of the subconscious mind, extensive research and years of prior meditation, thus I had preparatory experience I found Cheryll to be sincere, interested in me and the process and good at her profession. While there is obviously no way to empirically evaluate the truth of what happened, I believe my session to have been well managed and after reflection I believe that much or all of what I experienced was the truth.. As an experienced critical thinker and researcher, I recommend Cheryll to anyone who is interested in their past lives and their life-between-lives and desire to research them. One can only gain from the experience – there is nothing to fear, and only love and understanding to gain.”

— B.F.

 "With reincarnation man is a dignified, immortal being, evolving towards a glorious end; without it, he is a tossing straw on the stream of chance circumstances, irresponsible for his character, for his action, for his destiny...The Ancient Wisdom teaches, indeed, that the soul progresses through many worlds, but it also teaches he is born in each of these worlds over and over again, until he has completed the evolution possible in that world....Truly, further evolution lies before us in other worlds, but....they are not open to us until we have learned and mastered the lessons our own world has to teach."

—The Ancient Wisdom, Annie Besant